Thursday 14 March 2013

Application Update

I have just spoken to my contact at the PCT - amazingly they have agreed to fund my replacement gastric pacer surgery yaayy!!!
They have done so based on the premise that as my original pacer was awarded NHS funding (albeit on appeal) and that it has worked effectively for me that it would prove cost effective for the NHS to fund the replacement and that they would not be able to leave a patient with a defunct device inserted.
I cannot believe that I was told in clinic on 1st March that I needed a replacement and within 14 days my funding has been approved - this is amazingly fast - I feel like one very lucky woman today!
The letter of approval for my specialist is awaiting typing but should land on his desk within a week - at that point I will be contacting him re the scheduling & location of the surgery. Hopefully it can take place before my current battery expires completely and/or the gastroparesis symptoms return fully fledged.
A great day all round.

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