Wednesday 6 March 2013

Good as her word....

Well my specialists secretary was as good as her word - the funding request letter landed in my inbox late yesterday yaayy!
Today I have sent that to my PCT via email with a covering precis of my gastroparesis history and I have also forewarned my GP and endocrinologist re their possible input regarding funding & possible deterioration in my health if the process all takes a while. So all in all a positive day - now just have to wait - which I have to admit is not one of my strong points!!!! Will give the PCT a call the day after tomorrow just to 'check in'!
Given that a couple of members of my family are seriously ill plus the emotional toll of this pacer saga it is fair to say that I'm a bit stressed at the moment, and as is my norm this is directly affecting my stomach/digestion/GP added to that I already required a pacer adjustment and was unable to have one due to the low battery situation so at present the key phrases are: bloated, bit nauseous, loss of appetite, diabetes/blood sugars unstable, slightly increased vomiting.

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