Thursday 21 March 2013

I'm back....

Well have had a horrendous few days - initially though the pacer battery had finally gone kaput but looks like it may just have been a bug - had severe vomiting, nausea and diarrhea - the only food that has passed my lips in the past 72 hours is a slice of toast.
Seem to be coming out the other side now and so far today have managed to keep down more fluids.
Good news is I have received my scheduled surgery date for the replacement pacer op - its to be done at Ross Hall Hospital Glasgow on the 9th April 2013.
I will be admitted the day before and hopefully as the replacement surgery is a bit less invasive I will be discharged approximately 48 hours later and start the mammoth journey home a day or two after that.
The surgeon has said it should be a bit less painful and recovery be a bit quicker too - fingers crossed he's right about that!

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