Was discharged day early - basically due to my stubborn nature!
I was not on any hospital administered meds - pain being managed with standard analgesics - so decided I would be better off relaxing in hotel room without interference.
Had to promise I would take it easy, not lift, shower rather than bath and not travel back home for 48 hours.
Got to attend clinic in six weeks for post op check and adjustment. Technician has put the new pacer on slightly lower settings than I had been on as he felt that possibly with the new stronger powered pacer this may be sufficient.
Basically sore, feel like I've been punched in stomach (did ask surgeon if he had punched me whilst I was under but he promised he had'nt!!!) and some movement/bending/getting upright movements are a bit complicated due to swelling. But pain is limited and manageable.
Pacer is in more or less in same position as original perhaps a centimetre further to the left.
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