Saturday 20 April 2013

Day 11 post op...

OK I've had to have a word with myself and have finally reached a point of acceptance:
On day one I felt like the surgery was much less invasive than the original pacer surgery and I anticipated being in a different 'place' by day 11 to that which I actually am.
So my 'light bulb moment' is that although yes it is far less invasive it is still in fact major abdominal surgery and will take a bit longer than thought to fully recover - proof of this is that I keep writing lists of stuff to do tomorrow, getting up, looking at the list and putting most of it on the brought forward list - those that know me, know that this is not my standard approach to life!!!
In reality I think I will have to accept that I will need to ease myself back into the GastroParesis UK work slowly and thankfully as my team members have handled everything so well in my absence delegating for a bit longer is not so difficult.
The main issue I am having is not so much pain or discomfort but overwhelming tiredness and in honesty it is hard to tell whether this is 100% due to the surgery or whether my current intermittent sleep pattern is also partly due to other stress factors currently in my life - we shall see....
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