Thursday 25 April 2013

Day 16 post op....

Well had my first trip out on foot, walked to doctors surgery at a snails pace, for my wound check. You really do not realise how much surgery like this takes it out of you until you are challenged by every day actions - the walk has totally worn me out!
Good news is the wound is healing nicely and nurse practitioner has advised me to leave the dressing off and just let the steri strips fall off by themselves - and that I can now officially start bathing (as opposed to showering) again.
I have also been issued with a blood test form for a standard panel, plus check my thyroid levels (I am already treated with thyroxine for hypothyroidism) plus iron and ferratin levels, as I explained that I am still feeling extremely tired - the challenge being getting myself to the phlebotomy clinic on the other side of town to get it done - hey ho another day another challenge!

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