Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Day 8 post op....

Yesterday I was quite tired not really sure why as I did not exert myself.
Managed to eat a little and the general bloating symptoms seem to be dissipating and on the whole the soreness and discomfort is easing - although late in the day it became a little more uncomfortable.
I awoke this morning very sore as it would seem that I had inadvertently rolled onto my side onto the pacer site during my sleep - had to give in and take some painkillers.
Other than that and feeling a bit worn out, which I am assuming is due to intermittent sleep I am doing ok.
Due a dressing change today so lets see what's happening there - site has been bit itchy last couple of days which hopefully is a healing 'itch'!!!! Just checked with hospital and they confirmed that the steri-strips holding the surface incision together, should not be removed until they start 'curling up and rolling off by themselves' - I figured that will be in another week or so - don't want to interfere with them too early as due to my diabetes I heal a bit slower than most people. If in doubt I will get my practise nurse to take a look.

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